Results: How Healthy is Your Family Communication Dynamics

Scoring Interpretation and Recommendations:

27-30 points: Excellent Communication. Your family demonstrates strong communication skills, with open and respectful dialogues. Continue fostering this environment and encourage ongoing open communication.

How You Can Further Improve the Situation:

  • Building on Strengths: Identify specific areas of strength in your family’s communication and build on them. Recognising and celebrating these strengths can motivate further improvement.
  • Identifying Gaps: Reflect on which aspects of communication need enhancement. It could be active listening, emotional expression, or conflict resolution.


  • Communication Games: Try games that enhance communication skills, like ‘Two Truths and a Lie’ or story-building games.
  • Family Goals: Set family goals related to communication, like having a certain number of family meals together each week where everyone shares about their day.
  • Emotion Cards: Use emotion cards to help younger children express how they are feeling.

17-26 points: Good Communication. Your family has good communication practices, but there are areas that can be improved. Focus on enhancing active listening and ensuring that all family members feel heard and understood.

How You Can Further Improve the Situation:

  • Maintaining Dynamics: A high score indicates that your family enjoys healthy communication, essential for emotional well-being and strong relationships. It’s important to maintain these dynamics as your family grows and evolves.
  • Adapting to Changes: Be prepared to adapt your communication as children enter different life stages, such as adolescence, where open dialogue becomes even more crucial.


  • Continuous Learning: Attend workshops or read books on communication to keep improving. Even the best communicators can learn new strategies.
  • Encouraging Individual Voices: Ensure each family member, regardless of age, feels their voice is valued and respected in family discussions.
  • Technology-Free Times: Designate technology-free times, like during meals, to encourage face-to-face conversation.

10-16 points: Needs Improvement. Your family’s communication could benefit from more attention. Prioritise open dialogues, active listening, and create a safe space where everyone feels comfortable expressing themselves.

How You Can Further Improve the Situation:

  • Establishing Foundations: Focus on establishing basic communication principles within your family. This includes listening without judgement, speaking honestly but kindly, and showing empathy.
  • Safe Environment: It’s crucial to create a safe environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing without fear of negative repercussions.


  • Communication Workshops: Consider participating in family communication workshops or seminars.
  • Family Bonding Activities: Engage in activities that require collaboration and communication, such as cooking together or family DIY projects.
  • Regular Check-ins: Implement regular individual check-ins with each family member to give them space to share privately.

Further Explanation and Suggestions:

  • Regular Family Meetings: Schedule regular meetings to discuss family matters, ensuring everyone has a chance to speak and contribute.
  • Active Listening Skills: Practice active listening within the family. This means listening to understand, not just to respond, and showing interest in what each member has to say.
  • Non-Verbal Communication: Pay attention to non-verbal cues. Sometimes body language or facial expressions can convey more than words.
  • Conflict Resolution: Encourage healthy ways to resolve conflicts. Teach and practice conflict resolution skills like empathy, compromise, and understanding different perspectives.
  • Encourage Emotional Expression: Create an environment where each family member feels safe expressing their emotions, whether they are positive or negative.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Regularly express appreciation and affection. Acknowledging each other’s strengths and efforts can foster a positive atmosphere.
  • Openness to Difficult Topics: Encourage open discussions about difficult subjects. Assure everyone that it’s safe to bring up uncomfortable topics.
  • Shared Activities: Engage in activities that encourage teamwork and communication, like board games or family outings.
  • Model Effective Communication: As a parent, model the communication style you wish to see in your family. Children often learn by example.
  • Seek External Support if Needed: If you’re struggling with communication issues, consider seeking guidance from a family therapist or counsellor.

General Suggestions:

  • Lead by Example: Parents should model the type of communication they wish to see. This includes showing respect, patience, and active listening.
  • Encourage Expressiveness: Encourage all family members to express their thoughts and feelings. This helps in understanding each other’s perspectives and emotions.
  • Open Door Policy: Establish an ‘open door’ policy where family members know they can talk about anything at any time.
  • Addressing Communication Barriers: Actively work to identify and break down any barriers to effective communication, such as busy schedules or distractions.
  • Seeking External Help: If communication issues persist, don’t hesitate to seek external support. Family therapy can offer valuable tools and strategies to improve communication dynamics.

Improving family communication can strengthen relationships and create a more supportive and understanding home environment. It’s a continuous process that requires effort and patience from all family members.