Results: What is Your Child’s Learning Style?

Scoring Interpretation and Recommendations:

34-40 Points: Visual

Traits: Your child learns best through visual means such as pictures, diagrams, and demonstrations.


  • Engagement with Colour and Layout: Visual learners often respond well to colourful and well-organised information. They may enjoy subjects like art and geometry, where visual representation is key.
  • Use of Technology: Utilising technology, such as tablets and computers, can be highly effective, as these offer various visual learning apps and tools.


  • Mind Maps and Diagrams: Teach them to use mind maps for organising their thoughts or planning essays. Diagrams can also be useful for subjects like science and history.
  • Interactive Whiteboards: Using interactive whiteboards at home for study sessions can enhance their learning experience.
  • Visual Timetables: Create visual timetables or schedules to help them organise their day, making it easier for them to follow routines.

27-33 Points: Auditory

Traits: Your child prefers learning through listening and may find oral presentations or discussions helpful.


  • Rhythmic Learning: Auditory learners might find rhythmic elements like rhymes or songs helpful in memorising information. They may excel in languages and musical activities.
  • Discussion and Explanation: They often understand and retain information better when they have had the opportunity to talk it through.


  • Recordings for Revision: Encourage them to record key points from their lessons to listen to later, which can aid in revision.
  • Music as a Learning Tool: Use educational songs or create rhythmic poems for memorisation of facts.
  • Group Study: Group study sessions can be beneficial, as they allow auditory learners to discuss and process information with peers.

20-26 Points: Kinesthetic

Traits: Your child is a hands-on learner who prefers being physically engaged in the learning process.


  • Learning by Doing: Kinesthetic learners excel in environments where they can move around and handle physical objects. They may enjoy subjects like physical education, drama, and sciences that involve experiments.
  • Shorter Study Sessions: Longer periods of sitting and studying might be challenging. Breaks and movement-based activities can aid concentration.


  • Outdoor Learning: Whenever possible, take learning outside where they can move freely and engage with their environment.
  • Use of Models and Physical Aids: Use physical objects like blocks for maths or models for science to explain concepts.
  • Role-Play and Simulation: Incorporate role-playing or simulation games into their learning to make abstract concepts more concrete and engaging.

10-19 Points: Reading/Writing

Traits: Your child learns effectively through reading and writing activities.


  • Detail-Oriented Learning: These learners often pay close attention to details and might enjoy subjects like literature and history. They prefer to absorb information through reading and take detailed notes.
  • Organised and Methodical: They often approach tasks in an organised and methodical manner, preferring structured learning environments.


  • Journals and Blogs: Encourage them to keep a journal or start a blog on a topic of interest. This can improve their writing skills and allow them to express themselves.
  • Reading Clubs: Participation in reading or book clubs can enhance their engagement with literature and provide opportunities for discussion.
  • Structured Note-Taking: Teach them effective note-taking techniques such as the Cornell method, which can help organise their thoughts and enhance study efficiency.

Further Suggestions:

  • Adapt Learning Methods: Try to adapt your child’s learning environment and activities to align with their preferred style. This can improve their engagement and retention of information.
  • Balanced Approach: While it’s good to focus on their primary learning style, also introduce them to other styles to develop well-rounded skills.
  • Encourage Flexibility: Teach your child to adapt to different learning situations, as they will encounter various teaching styles throughout their education.
  • Interactive Learning: No matter the style, interactive learning can be beneficial. Encourage them to ask questions and actively participate in their learning process.
  • Feedback and Adjustment: Regularly ask for feedback from your child on what works best for them and be prepared to adjust methods accordingly.

Understanding your child’s learning style can significantly enhance their educational experience, making learning more enjoyable and effective. However, remember that learning styles can evolve over time, so it’s important to remain flexible and responsive to your child’s changing needs.